
What happened to all the questions in salta?

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wern't there like, a bunch of twilight questions in salta (i think that the right one....)? where did they all go??




  1. Because every one hates us ):

    so they delete alll of our questions.

    yours is gonna get deleted too.they

    told us to get out of their way with all

    of our questions and we did, but the report us.

    those mean ppl.

    people need to get a life and let us love twilight

    cause we do(:


  2. hmm maybe we should find a new one like Iguazu :] worth a shot nobody ever asks questions about this kind of stuff so why can't we twilighters take over it..not fair

    we need a twilight section

  3. yeah, they all got deleted. i heard people started reporting them.... i like twilight myself, and if you don't like it then i think you should just stay away from these questions! i mean, why waste your time ruining questions that are talking about a book? reading is good! at least these people are reading instead of watching TV or playing video games!

    sorry, back to the question. well, that's basically what happened. but, i guess people still are asking questions in here so what is everyone gonna do about it?

  4. Its really stupid..

    Me moved from books to come here and use an unused area and still twilight haters follow us and delete all our questions.. HOW Sad.. Man get a life and if we want to love twilight we can.. no one is stopping us.. Salta wasn't USED in the first place.. why shouldn't we use it if people dont????????????????????????????????????...

  5. yeah, they deleted ALL OF THE QUESTIONS HAVING TO DO WITH TWIIGHT! :(:(:(:(:(it made me really mad because i actually asked a question that i wanted answered, aand the next thing i knew, it was reported.  they really should just make us our own forum! but yeah, why was everyone else overrecting to ur question? no one uses salta nyway!

  6. They are bookist! ( people who do not like certain types of books and then dislike the people who like them just for liking those kind of books!) or it could be yahoo board or  something.

    I reported all their answers tho cuz they are way too mean.

  7. They were all deleted. It's considered spam and it's breaking the rules. This is for Argentina not you Twilight fans. Face it, no one wants any of you guys around.

  8. Because you guys are a bunch of annoying fangirls who like repeating the same question over and over again in the wrong section. Go back to books and authors- this is for Argentina! I agree with Aki and Skye.

    Oh, btw, I don't hate Twilight. (though it's certainly not what I'd call a great book) I hate the obsessed fangirls.

    Well, you asked. :P

  9. They got deleted because, as someone up there stated, it is spam.  Everyone is asking the same question, over and over again.  Why not use the little function at the top of the screen?  See it?  It says "search".

    Everyone is asking what they think about the release of Breaking Dawn - The might parties that are going to be hosted at the book stores - what the movie is going to be like.

    These are questions for somewhere on a /Twilight/ fanforum.  Twilightlexicon is a great website.

    I love the books immensely, but it's people like the fans that ruin websites like this that make them not liked and unwanted by many.  Use the search function if you have a question about Twilight - it probably has been asked before.  They aren't going to create a whole new section for all the screaming fangirls that are madly in love with Edward Cullen.  There are a lot more books out there that get just as much attention, and they don't have their own section.

    Take it to a different website, I'm sure you guys will survive just fine if you get off of

  10. people don't like twilight (i don't know why) and they got mad ot us.  if you get your question deleted appeal it and then it should get reposted and then the person who reported them will not have as muc hpower.  i did that and my question got reposted.

  11. We all got in trouble for having asked questions in a section NOONE USES!!!! and seriously not all the Twilight fans are obsessed and even if they are it's none of the people's business that are being rude and telling us to go somewhere else. Seriously how many people do you guys know that use Yahoo! Answers for learning about Salta!?!?!? Like seriously you don't have to report  us! It's a dumb thing to do and you people are being rude

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