
What happened to arkle the race horse?

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What happened to arkle the race horse?




  1. he passed away. doing ;what all race horse.s like to do . running . also he.s the best ever??jump horse i saw race.

  2. Arkle (1957 - 1970) ran his final race in the 1966 King George Chase at Kempton.  He fractured his pedal bone (the small bone inside the hoof capsule) but still managed to finish second.  He remained in plaster for four months and actually made it back into training, although he never raced again.  He was retired and lived out his life as a hack, ridden by his owner before succumbing to arthiritis in May 1970, at the relatively young age of 13.

    His skeleton is on display at the Irish National Stud in their museum - I have been to see it myself.

  3. He broke a pedal bone in his final race and was eventually put down by a vet on 31st May 1970.

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