
What happened to barney?

by  |  earlier

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Lol..I heard he was like a pedofile....




  1. hehe

  2. haha i heard that too

    but i think he was just an a ss and a bad influence all around and everything going on caused such controversy that parents kept there kids away from him that's why theres so many drugs and guns in the world today ***** barney  

  3. While he was on the set he fell off something and said the F word out loud around all those kids and on T.V. He then got fired.

    They still play reruns but everyone is into the "Little Einstin" because it teaches little kids how to read and learn their ABC's.


  4. he got a under aged chick knocked up got fired 4rom the show started working at burgerking as a cook got fired for stealing napkins and later got aid by a persain hooker named "lola"

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