
What happened to being honest as the norm and criminals suck?

by  |  earlier

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What happened to being honest as the trend of being normal, and being a criminal isnt? Are you so demented and into the terrorist network that you cannot see wrong doing as it occurs? If you are so brainwashed, check yourselves in for mental health help, and stop chastising the person who has remained honest through out as being crazy..

youre a bunch of freakin liars, theives and criminals!




  1. There are a whole series of things which have happened which have given an apparent edge to the criminals and liars of the world.  A good many of them fall under the category of Relativism.  We see this when the terrorists are assumed to be good people with a legitimate grievance.

    That explains the existence, but it takes a lack of personal shame to account for the fact that many people don't mind being found out as liars and cheats, except that it stops their plans.  Long ago, each person was responsible for upholding the honor of their family's name, and if you did not have the reputation of honesty, people didn't want to deal with you.  Now, not so much.

    People are not willing to shun liars,  and are willing to believe what liars say.  Frankly, I don't know how we can ever reverse this, but people need to be made to feel shame for being dishonest and disreputable -- until they do, there is no reason for them to stop.

    Telling the truth all the time puts one at a disadvantage today, but lying and cheating used to cause one more trouble than they were worth.  Somehow, we have to get back to that idea.  Welcome to planet Earth...  Keep an eye on your luggage.

  2. You are wonderful person.

    Be Easygoing.


  3. Prosac prescription run out again?

  4. What are you accusing me of lying about?  I never talked with you.

  5. As we were in the beginning. Others could see it even when we as a people, professed our superiority to their savage ways while our army murdered their babies and raped their women. What would you expect from conquering heroes such as these?

  6. I am sorry you feel that way even though I can understand why you feel that way.

    Not everybody is a criminal, have hope!

    I have always tried to life the honest way, am I rich? No. But I can sleep at night.

    And you know what? Money can't buy anyone happiness.

  7. Honesty is not easy for many people.

    A lot of folks who feel deprived blame their fellow citizens and resolve to get what they feel they deserve by means other than hard work and perseverence.

    Crime and dishonesty are easy options.

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