
What happened to customer service?

by  |  earlier

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I bought a package of ice cream for my son and i got home and 2 of the 5 packages were missing. So i called and i got a load of attitude from the customer service person who answered the phone. What happened to service with a smile and the customers always right???? BTW i was at a walmart




  1. Not an excuse for poor customer service but wal mart treats its employees horribly according to every person i know that has worked for them.   I hope your next customer experience is better.

  2. Honestly, I don't even shop at walmart for this very reason. They hire people who are borderline mentally handicapped and/or angry at the world.  I had enough. It's better just to shop at the local family owned grocery and spend a few pennies more... it's totally worth it.

    I am sorry this happened to you.

  3. Everybody feels like somebody owes them something in these stores. There is no longer a good work ethic or sense of loyalty to any company. People just dont care on these jobs, its really crazy. You have to pay your hard earned money on usually, overpriced c**p, then you get attitude. I guess thats the new american way.

  4. Well, I don't know what you expected them to do over the phone about missing icecream ?  You'd have to go back to Walmart anyway.

    Honestly?  The only way to get any amount of good customer service at a big place like Walmart is to show up in the flesh.  They can look you in the eyes and know you are telling the truth .. the package was missing product from it.   And if someone DOES give you attitude, their boss is probably 10 seconds away.

    I always get 90% better results by face-to-face encounters with customer service people vs. over the phone.  They feel protected over the phone, like they can get attitude and there isn't anything you can do about it.

    OR ya could shop somewhere small like a mom & pop place.   And even then, if  employees are young or inexperienced, they seem to construe a call about an error like you think they are incompetent and wish they'd get fired / docked / yelled at by their boss.  It's not rational, but it's how people see you calling and saying something is a mistake.  They should just see it as honestly probably not their fault and try to remedy the situation as best they can..

    Plus, like others said, customers take advantage and people are underpaid.  But a lot more than being underpaid is the lack of common sense that folks seem to exhibit recently.

    Eh, I miss really good customer service too.  

    If I really can't eat something at restaurants these days, I just don't eat it and won't pay for it.  I don't send things back, I'm scared of the employees messing with my food.  

    I also pretty much never call places if something is wrong.. I show up or don't bother.  If it's a long distance it's probably a catalog and you can just send that stuff back without talking to anyone.

    It's not just Walmart.  

    I don't know what's wrong with people.

  5. I live in the uk and our customer service is practically none existant if you go up to a customer service desk in any big name store with a question or complaint they look at you as if youre from another planet.

  6. Two issues:

    1. Minimum wage employees are what they pay for; often untrained and uninformed, frequently discourteous and dysfunctional.

    2. Many, many, dishonest customers in recent years have taken enormous advantage of the previously honest and courteous customer service emps. and cost the retail industry millions in lost mdse and time.

  7. because it is a big place, and they have a lot of problems,like customers calling for damage stuff, returning stuff etc. they get so maad and tired of the customers. They should quit if theyre gonna treat customers like that. because i work in a supermarket and for us the customers most of the times are right. and we have to treat them really nice and with a big smile

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