
What happened to election after RNC and DNC IF...?

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Obama and McCain dropped dead somehow before Nov 8,

Who will be the candidates? Hilary or Joe Biden, Hackabee or Palin???




  1. Well, if it's after Nov. 4 the vice president will be president.

  2. I think it would be aginst Palin and Biden

  3. If any nominee, Prez or VP, dies before the election, it's the same as if any of them resigns from the ticket for whatever reason.

    If it's the Prez, the National Committee meets to choose a new nominee.  Probably the VP nominee, although if it's Obama there may be an outcry for it to be Hillary.  If it is the VP nominee, then follow the next part of the answer, because it means the VP slot has been vacated:

    If it's the VP, then the Prez nominee selects a new running mate, and the National Committee has to confirm it and almost certainly will.  To date, this has happened only once, in 1972.  (See Source below.)

  4. Watch out it could be Nancy Pelosi....I bet all the Libs would love it!!

  5. Uh...Palin and Biden...The VPs...I guess...Unless the DNC and RNC could nominate someone else before November 8...

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