
What happened to hominids when individuals were injured?

by Guest66934  |  earlier

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  1. They were cared for by their tribe, as best they could!

    Perhaps this is when herbal remedies came about...Most of the early hominins that were intentionally buried for us to find, show signs of fractures and broken bones that had healed!

    Even neanderthals showed indications of caring for their elderly tribe members!

  2. The fittest survived and passed their genes on to the next generation.

  3. There ARE evidence that suggests altruism in early hominids, for example the "Old Man" fossil in La Chapelle-aux Saints suggests that Neanderthals cared for their injured.

    A relative recent finding in the Republic of Georgia in 2005 suggest that caring for the old and injured existed in as early as Homo Erectus society.

    Of course altruism is not limited to humans and their predecessors. Some hominids outside the genus homo such as chimpanzees also display altruistic behavior.

    (See sources for links)

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