
What happened to me last night???? I'm scared!

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Hello everyone. Last night something really strange happened to me. I got home and went to bed. I believe I was falling asleep, if not already asleep. I started hearing some noises, like somebody was coming to my room, but I thought it would be my mom or something like that. Then all of a sudden I felt somebody grabbing me by the shoulders and shaking me, and making some sort of scream-like noise. Then I saw a shadow right in front of me, but just black, almost like a profile. However, I'm not sure that my eyes were open at that moment. Then I felt like it all ended abruptly, and I tried to open my eyes but I couldn't. I couldn't even move! I tried really really hard and after some time ( like about 30 seconds) I finally opened my eyes and there was nobody there. Nothing like this has ever happened to me before, and I am really scared. Does anybody know what this could be? Thanks in advance!




  1. I really don't think that there is cause for concern.  It sounds an awful lot like a dream or nightmare, which can be caused by all sorts of non-problematic things.

    Indeed, you thought that you awoke, and couldn't move.  My best guess is that you were really still in  a dream state, or even that sort of

    almost awake state right after the dream.  In any case, unless you start having nightmares on a regular basis, relax, and don't be too concerned.  

  2. See the article on sleep paralysis:

  3. darlinggg relax you must have been dreaming or on acid its one of the two but oinly one is harmful...oh and did you by anychance go to bar previously where someone could have spikedyou some roofies?

  4. the scream like noise....could it have sounded like wind by any chance?? The shaking and the shadow and that you couldn't move... honestly sounds like your spirit guide was there trying to help you to astral travel (aka OBE). That you can't move is normal, the body gets paralyzed as the spirit prepares to exit the body). And it's very normal to see spirits as shadows. Grabbing you by the shoulders and leaning over you, he may have see you begin to panic and was trying to calm you down. The shaking was you getting stuck--when we think too much, we can get sort of stuck in our bodies.

    It can be scary if you don't know what's happening, but really nothing bad is happening. Next time it happens, try to remember to breathe, breathe as if you're meditating, deep and even, and tell yourself that you're safe. Once you're calm, I'm almost positive you'll have a different view on things.

    Peace and love to you

  5. Sounds like a nightmare to me.

  6. It sounds like either a really vivid nightmare, or maybe sleep paralysis.

    I wouldn't worry about it too much.

  7. just a nightmare. you'll be fine.

  8. I think a demonic spirit was trying to attack you. Therefore you need to pray before going to bed (and when you wake up) asking Jesus Christ to protect you and your family from all harm and danger. Then if you ever experience the same thing you need to command that demon to leave you alone in the name of Jesus Christ. If you cannot speak because it is holding you down in your mind (thoughts) you need to command him to leave you alone in the name of Jesus Christ. Also you can pray and ask God to send his angels to remove the demon from off you and to protect you.

  9. It was a dream, followed perhaps* by a phenomenon known as sleep paralysis. Basically when your body goes to sleep, it paralyzes some of your muscles so you won't be flailing in your sleep due to your dreams. Sometimes, if you wake up suddenly, your body still won't be able to move for a little while. There's a long article about it in my sources below. Please don't think this is anything "paranormal" because all it was was a vivid dream (followed by a very strange but common occurrence).

    * It was only sleep paralysis if you were actually awake and couldn't move, but it sounds like you may have still been dreaming.

  10. I would suggest that you had a nightmare that woke you up and with your brain not quite catching up you suffered a case of sleep paralysis.

    If it happens again see a doctor about why you are having these nightmares.  He may give you tips on foods to avoid and other stresses in your life to deal with.

  11. its called "sleep paralysis" about it at the link

  12. Maybe it was a nightmare or somebody was trying to rape you.

  13. You may have a vengeful spirit on your hands and they tend pray on people while they sleep. This can can be confused as a dream but may not be. I suggest you contact a paranormal investigator immediately. You could be in danger!  

  14. You were certainly having a nightmare. The inability to move is the real giveaway; it is what happens during sleep; it is adaptive because it stops us sleepwalking. Unpleasant but not uncommon

    Avoid too much excitement just before bedtime, and aim for regular hours.

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