
What happened to my 06 jetta?

by  |  earlier

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I was with friends in the car tonight and we went up a really steep hill. We were laughing and when i got to the top of the hill i stalled out just from lauging and not paying attention. Well i immediatly started it back up, but the car would NOT MOVE!!!! It kept turning over and smoke came out of the engine and was running but would not move an inch!! So everyone got out I went backwards down the hill and started back up the hill, and everything was fine. Everyone got back in after i got over the hump of the hill and it was fine the whole way home. WHat the ____ happened??? It still smells!!!!




  1. umm take it in to a shop

  2. well maybe if there were more automatics maybe this **** wouldnt happen!! o ya and check the E-brake? was the clutch in? did you have oil?

    hope this helped!!

  3. You didn't mention whether it was a standard or automatic shift, but it sounds like the hill forced all the transmission fluid to the back of the transmission.  If the fluid can't circulate, the tranny won't go.  It's just speculation though because there isn't much to go on.  Good luck to you.

  4. If it was a pretty good sized hill, your baro sensor could have caused this. every time you start your car, the barometric pressure sensor takes a reading of the ambient air and determines if the air is thin or thick... when yoiu go up in altitude, the air gets thinner. your car doesnt notice this change, so it wants to run like it did when you first started it up. sooo... your car was dumping in the same air/fuel mixture as it did at the bottom of the hill, and once you turned your car back opn at the top... the baro sensor compensated for the altitude change. on top of all that, it sounds like you may want to get your clutch checked out. you slipped it pretty good. haha.  

  5. I would call at car mecanic and ask them. It sounds super strange.

  6. it could be your baro sensor it senses  the barometric pressor every time you start your car, butdoesn'tt change as you drive so when you went up the hill the pressor changed and the carcouldn'tt run but when you started the car up it read thepresserr and adapted to the pressor

  7. it sounds like you blew you tranny (transmission) and that's supper bad you have to get that fixed right away and don't drive it if possible or you will ruin the hole motor.

  8. blew a gasket haha im really not sure u coulda had a short... i never had that happen before

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