
What happened to my coffee mug?

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I just went to serve myself some coffee and there are lines inside my coffee mug. They are going up in a spiral shap from the bottom of the mug up to the top. They almost look like theyre crack-l**k. Not washable. Am I gonna have to get another mug? I just got this one not even a month ago..




  1. idk ur falt

  2. Hmm... I wouldnt use it anymore. You could die from toxins that were released inside the paint!

  3. It might be calcium deposits, try swishing some CLR in your cup before washing again to see if it takes it off.  If this doesn't take care of it, I wouldn't recommend using the mug again.  Hope you don't have to get a new mug, though!  I also have a favorite :)

  4. Maybe your Aunt's guppy had a little accident in it. Go to the dollar store and get a new mug.

  5. Sounds like you microwaved it too long, or it isn't oven proof.  Be careful, because it could leak hot coffee all over you....Yes, get a new mug

  6. The cup was not completely fired when made. The lines you see are small cracks in the ceramic and they have filled with coffee.

    Here's how to fix it.

    Hold the cup about five feet in the air over a trash can, let go, buy another cup.

  7. Scrub Your Cup Well You Proabably Drink Allot Of Tea Or Coffee. If That Doesn't Work Then You Need  A New One.

  8. It may be the heat from the coffee or even if you've been putting it in the dish washer. But they wont go away so you either have to see them everytime you take a drink or get a new one.

  9. The rings are from heat either your tea coffee microwave dishwasher being left in a car...etc. so you better just get another mug..also look closely because if they aren't spirals and rings it's from the coffee being still and naturally things settle and leaves those awkward rings.

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