
What happened to my face, after I cleaned it?

by  |  earlier

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I never had a problem with acne or anything. Recently I was rushing and I wash my face with a facial scrubbing pad, and forgot to put on my moisturizer on my face. The next day my forehead had shiny dark marks kinda like scars on it. They are peeling, but it looks really bad. Is there anything I can to get my skin back to an even tone, and get rid of these marks? PLEASE HELP!




  1. Aloe Vera!

    I swear it helped a lot for me when i had dark marks on my face!

  2. u have NEVER had problems with acne....U *****!!!!!

    I HATE U!! >:(

  3. It sometimes happens to me. When in the shower scrub your face really well to get the flakes off. And when you get out of the shower put moisturizer on your face. The scars wont go away instantly... it takes time. Adn in the meantime put a little bit of conceler on it.

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