
What happened to new york last september 11, 2001?

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What happened to new york last september 11, 2001?




  1. where have you been living??in a cave??look it up on internet im sure it will help you!!

  2. What do you mean "last"?  Wasn't there only one september 11, 2001?

  3. 2 airplanes hit the World Trade Center, the North and South Tower. It wasn't only New York,t here was also a plane that hit the Pentagon, and a plane that was headed toward the White House but crashed in a field in Pennsylvania. The only reason it didn't reach the White House was because the people aboard the plane fought back. I live on Long Island, and a few days after the buildings collapsed you could see the smoke in the sky, it was pretty sad knowing that it was because we were attacked.

  4. That's when September 11 happened. That's when terists attacked the twin towers and thousands of people were killed.

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