
What happened to public phone profits in the US

by Guest59556  |  earlier

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after they allowed blacks to buy pre paid cell phones and cards? They used to be lined up half a mile away in their Cadillacs waiting to get on the pay phone.




  1. pay phones have all be disappeared!!!! 20 years from now you will say you stop at a phone booth to check in and kids will stare and think you have lost it!!!

  2. "In the old days" you always had to carry a dime to be able to call home, if need  Then it went to a quarter.  Soon the cost of maintaining the telephone, with people yanking them out, stealing the phone books, and breaking into them, the phone company, decided that it was an expense that could be done away colleague is correct, there will come a time when you have to look in the archives to see what they looked you

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