
What happened to "old fashioned" good morals and values?

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I mean, waiting til marriage, holding doors, etc.

I'm 18, and I'm disgusted with my generation. :(




  1. I  don't  know  about  you  but  I  learned  my  good  morals  from  my  parents...  and  attending  church  on  a  regular  bases  with  them.  Good  moral  character  was  taught  to  us  at  home  and  our  parents  modeled  good  behavior  before  us.  We  said  a  blessing  over  our  meals   and  Mom  read  the  Bible  to  us  each  night  after  supper.  (Dad  had  gone  to  work)  We  didn't  watch  TV.  Most  children  don't  get  this  kind  of  up bringing  any  more.  Parents  divorce  each  other,  then  move  in  with  their  boyfriend/girlfriend.  Party  and  get  drunk  every  weekend.  Our  schools have  become  so  corrupt,  teaching  innocent  little  children  the  wrong  approach  to  s*x.  Our  government  and  political  system  is  broken  down  and  we  have  corrupt  judges  and  politicians  too.  I  am  very  saddened  when  I  read  the  admissions  of  girls  as  young  as  11  yrs.  old  wanting  to  get  a  boyfriend,  lose  their  virginity  and   have  s*x.  Often,  I  see  a  question  from  a  young  girl  asking  how  do  I  seduce  my  b/f  and  get  him  to  have  s*x  with  me?  Most  Americans  profess  to  believe  in  God  and  claim  to  be  Christians...  but  are  they?  IMO,  they  are  deceived  and  are  not  being  honest  with  themselves.  They  don't  read  the  Bible,  so  how  would  they  know  what  the  truth  is.  They  deny  the  truth.  Their  answer  to  everything  is...  well,  if  you  feel  okay  about  it,  if  you're  ready,  then  do  it.  What's  wrong  for  someone  else  may  be  just  fine  with  you.  However,  that's  not  what  the  Bible  says.  

  2. Perhaps you should try asking your question to the folks listed on this website:

  3. Lots of girls feel insulted by holding doors. Remember, nice guys finish last.

    And you probably haven't met "the one" yet. But when you do, you're not going to wait till marriage. I'm not trying to insult you, I'm just saying that at 18, you haven't experienced life yet.

  4. it goes in waves. look at the '60's. free love and junk. your generation is nothing unique really

  5. I am seventeen and I feel EXACTLY the same. I am so sick of all this, and my life plans are to actually do something about it. Look at all the fools getting pregnant at sixteen, bringing children into the world who they cannot possibly raise and who will only turn out to be criminals. The most disgusting thing is, we let them! We defend their rights, yet they are gradually destroying society. Where will it end, I wonder, if no-one stands up for commonsense? That is why we have to do something before it is too late.

  6. People seemed to cater more and more to their lower natures and fortified this shift in morale by the application of their "right" to do so. It seems that if you had the "right" to do something, some people started to believe that the pacification of self was the default prime directive. The concept of individual rights and doing the right thing became polluted with the deception of selfishness and set adrift our moral and balanced state that came with humility and sacrifice. By attributing these fundamentals of the human spirit to 'weakness' or an unnatural state of blind benevolence without personal reward, we set in motion the pursuit to satisfy the endless appetite of self and lose ourselves in the process...

  7. the old fashion peeps aren't raising the kids!

  8. You are right----maybe some of the school classes can be replaced with table manner class, thank you note class, how to speak to others class, how to behave in a way that is respectful class.  No one is teaching these behavior standards and life skills anymore----especially at home.  Parents are to blame.

  9. I think the way people act now is the break down of our society.  There is nothing wrong with turning it back around.  Saying thank you, letting older people go first, helping others.  It can start with YOU!

  10. The more people stopped being old fashioned and using good morals, the more the general public got used to it. If people are used to it, it no longer seems as bad and the morals are lowered. I agree with you completely, some of the things, no most of the things that out generation do are stupid, vulgar, done for attention, ugh. The more people do stuff like this, the more norm it will seem.

  11. those values were lampooned

    men were ridiculed by the women they attempted to show courtesy

    women were often told they receive the same pay and don't ask for help and heaven knows why sleeping around is more acceptable than saying no i'd rather not is turned against you

    its unacceptable by the vast majority to live a healthy and godly life unless you're seen as a religious nut

    keep your morals and you honor yourself and your upbringing and i believe those who have no will power to do so are jealous of those who do and that is why they ridicule

  12. im 14, and im disgusted with my generation too. all we care about is money and s*x and having fun. :(

    ridiculous, which is why i try to be as kind as possible. sure, im not a god, but i do try. i wish we all acted a little nicer to each other, maybe half the **** in this world wouldnt exist if we just treated each other decently.

  13. I agree that the younger generation seems to be lacking in manners and I blame the parents. Dad's should be setting an example by opening doors for women or elders, standing when a woman enters the room, being polite and gracious. Mom's should set a good example by being polite, teaching their daughters self respect and to say no until marriage. There is a new trend in some schools, both High Schools and Colleges where young adults take an abstinence pledge.

    I live in the South and there are still some young men, some really young that will hold the door for me at the mall or restaurant. I always compliment them on their manners.

    Chose friends that feel the way you do. You'll be glad in the end.

  14. I dont blame you, its society they follow each other like lost sheep instead of being individuals, if the telly gets ruthless without showing respect they copy and it eventually gets out of hand and class everyone the same, also its there up bringing as well. if you are brought up correctly then you hope when you have child(ren) to bring them up proper too, but then you worry they dont join wrong people and follow them.

  15. im disgusted with it tooo.

    im 12 but i care about lots of things, presidents,our economy, school & education.

    i think its because of this new society & generation.

    some people think its time too start anew & not follow old fashioned beliefs.

    also i think its because of the people in charge. if they do wrong & people hear about it then they'll think it's okay too do it too because someone politically active or famous did it.

    take Govener Spitzer for example. it was rele sad, because when this happened my teacher asked my class for opinions about the scandal & i was the only one in class too know about it.

    also it might be our parents or families.

    & the media.

    parents might be forcing there beliefs unto too children & those children might do the same too there kids passing it on from generation too generation.

    as for the media, they make having s*x,taking drugs,alchohol, & violence soo casual it almost seems too be okay.

    some people choose too be oblivious too old fashioned beliefs & they set there own morals for themselves.

    as more & more people are expanding the horizon on "old fashioned" morals  & values the less people are asserting their independence & are instead, choosing too follow the new direction in society.

    people instead of caring about world issues or our economy are glued too t.v.'s, computers, & video games.

    i think the society has too wake up & reintrodruce old fashioned morals & values too people before we become completely sucked into a world where its acceptable too get high, commit crime & having s*x plus more.

    hope my opinion mattered too you. :]

  16. It all began with the sixties. It began to turn everything the world knew inside-out. The sexual revolution, for one, was a very important contributing factor to where values went. Rock and roll also disconnected kids with parents, starting a generation gap. This was because Rock and Roll was quite foreign to the older generation. Rock and roll was something they didn't understand.

    Yet, even the sixties was more civilized than today. Why? One reason. The internet. The internet or computer is said to have created the largest generation gap since rock and roll. Think about it. If someone were to be more skilled with a computer, would you say a fifty-year-old, or a twenty-year-old? The internet is this new world where kids can go absolutely wild and there is nothing the parents can do about it.

    I also wish we could bring the fifties and forties back, and here is my list of people that I now love:





    and you!

    Thank you, I wasn't aware there were people like you left in the world who are not just clones of everyone else, and who have some common decency.

  17. I am 25, and agree with you.  But I can totally understand where things went "wrong."  In school, we were always encouraged to "express ourselves" in any way we felt was appropriate.  People's feelings became central, instead of common sense or proper behaviour.  Kids who went berserk in school were handled by saying "Johnny, I see you are feeling angry" instead of "That behaviour is inappropriate, and if you don't stop it immediately you will have to stand in the hallway or go to the principal's office."  (Threatening adults supposedly inhibit children's "sense of self." )

    Kids raised to believe that they are unique and special and can have anything they want if they try hard enough are bound to turn into self-centered adults too.  

  18. Parents are a good starting point.  They don't teach it, so kids don't learn it.  However, parents have given your generation an overstated sense of worth, meaning they have never been subject to being corrected, or told they're wrong, or their behaviour is in any way wrong.

    Plus, your generation is, with all due respect, coddled and enabled to misbehave to levels I cannot comprehend.  Nothing is earned, god forbid someone dare criticize you for anything...not exactly building

    strong foundation of morality, self-reliance, and values.  Everything

    has been dumbed-down and made easy so you can all be winners.

    Waiting until marriage?  Please- people have been "getting it on" prior to marriage for decades (they just didn't talk about it back then).  Don't want to do this?  That's your choice and it should be honoured and respected, but someone doing this doesn't make them immoral.  

  19. The 60's happened and ruined everything.

    Now people are out "to get their's" and don't care about ettiquette (it's seen as being uppity).

    I also hate the modern culture we have created.  I wish we could bring back the 1940's and 50's when life was more formal and people were expected to act properly.  

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