
What happened to responsibility?

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If you make an investment its your risk that's why they all say it you can't sell everything go to the Palms bet it all & expect the casino or anyone else to bail you out it was your risk & choice. You gambled. Same thing goes with buying stocks, bonds, or a house if you can't afford a BMW or a mansion don't buy one & when rates are lowest in years don't get adjustable rates.Why does everyone think that it's someone else's fault & that someone especially the government should bail them out? What happened to responsibility? All investments list the risks & it's your choice to take it so how is it the tax payers? You buy 2 house to flip but got caught short that's not the bank's fault is it?




  1. it fell by the way side.

  2. I agree. Responsibility and accountability have gone out the window or so it seems. I think the problem is how widespread it was and some mortgage companies engaged in fraudulent practices. Blame the Federal Reserve and Allen Greenspan. They thought it was a good thing. Some people knew it would crash but were greedy. Greed is what is destroying this nation.  

  3. The "entitlement" mentality has overtaken this country, and our politicians don't have the courage to reverse it because they will be branded one thing or another. After all, they want to be re-elected.

    If any pol tells you we need "to do something for the middle class" tell him to stuff it. I've heard that in every election year since I've been voting. Its all talk.

  4. you hit the nail on the head, these cry babies want more and more

    government hand/outs, its as though there is an entitlement mentality

    with these LOSERS..........................We all want , well perhaps i

    over-speak,so i will speak for what i believe to be the majority..We

    Want that American Dream, the House with the Picket Fence, good job, great relationship, maybe even a kid or two...just a nice life...We

    should all be able to achieve that, and with hard work we can, we just cannot buy what we cannot's real simple, we shouldn't spend over our means...and we shouldn't try to keep up with the ''JONES''

    We shouldn't let the Greed overtake us, and that's what happens...i do not feel a bit sorry for them, and i think the only one who should bail these greedy people out is,,, themselves....they made there beds, let them lie in it

  5. It's odd you brought this up I was just reading who's responsibility is it to take care of mom and dad when they get old?

    I think America has gotten off track.We need to go back to basics of life.Quit being so extravagant.We don't need everything the neighbors have.For years our grandparents and great grandparents got by with home cooked food and 1 car we think everyone in family needs a car?!!

    I can't understand why people think they can afford mortgages that are basically half of their income?

    That would scare me to death.

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