
What happened to scotsport?

by  |  earlier

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it was p*sh..... but better than the c**p ive just watched on the bbc.




  1. it got cancelled at the end of the season and the bbc have the rights now one good thing that came out of it we don't need to listen to andy walker anymore

  2. I agree with Gemma I've never heard such Anti English bigotry than that which was spouted by him. Good riddance is what I say. What goes round comes round and he got his come uppance that's for sure.  

  3. co'mon guys surely it can't have been that bad I watched scotsport once and cringed all the way through it the words dream ticket ring any bells!?

    If you find it that bad watch the highlights online all the action none of the pish

  4. It died when Arthur Montford retired.

  5. it was bagged due to very low ratings and no wonder that andy walker idiot presenting. he supposadly went to 'presenting school' but has as much charisma as goute.

  6. Never thought i would miss scotsport BBC should have done better

  7. i dont watch it.

    best thing to do is wait til monday and watch the highlights on the bbc sport site, you get the highlights of the games, without having to sit and listen to pundits talking mince.

  8. Yes it was pretty dire but as you say it's better than what's on now.

  9. seen it tonight and those two clowns aint got a clue

       mind you the commentators were fucin biased it's enough to make you laugh

  10. Walker was always good for a laugh...staring wide-eyed intae the wrong camera, reciting the autocue as it scrolls, and who can forget the rabbit-in-a-headlight look in his eyes?  

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