
What happened to the concept of a nuclear deterrent?

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We used to think we could deter countries from using WMD's by threatening to retaliate with a massive nuclear attack. It apparently worked against the Russian and Chinese Communists.

Why have the Bush neocons decided that now we must threaten engage in a preemptive strike to prevent an attack? What is wrong with telling the Iranians that if they use WMD's against us we will eliminate their country from the face of the earth, so they had better keep their terrorist cells under control.

When did it become acceptable for us to start a war to avoid a war? Has history ever vindicated a country that engaged in a preemptive attack?




  1. The problem is that the Iranian s will not use nuclear weapons themselves.

    The Iranians will produce weapons grade Uranium and permit that weapons grade Uranium to be transferred to Muslim Terrorists who will use that weapons grade Uranium to make crude nuclear weapons.

    the Muslim Terrorists are masters at the art of smuggling. The muslim Terrorists will then smuggle those crude nuclear weapons to their targets of choice in trucks and cargo shipping containers.

    the Muslim Terrorists will now have the equivalent of nuclear car bombs.

    If one of those nuclear car bombs is set off by the Muslim Terrorists it will make the attacks on 9/11 tiny in comparison.

    the Muslim Terrorist have as their stated goal the acquisition of nuclear weapons and the ability to set off those nuclear weapons in target nations such as China, India,  Russia and The United States of America among other nations.

    The Iranians fund over 90% of the Muslim Terrorism in the world.

    You are very foolish to downplay the threat of Iran obtaining to technology to enrch Uranium to weapons grade.

    Remember the Muslim Terrorists say they love death as much as we love life.

    Deterrence only works with people who want to go on living.

    The Theocracy that rules Iran wants to create death. They do not care if they live or die.    

    With Muslim Terrorists you must deal in prevention, not deterrence.

    Prevention means that you must prevent the Muslim Terrorists and their allies, including Iran from obtaining weapons grade nuclear materials.

  2. That was when we were dealing with people that didn't want to die. How do you deter someone that isn't afraid to die?

  3. Because, they know we have lost our balls.  Until we are backed into a corner those type of actions are gone.

  4. No, but do you really think Bush believes in the idea that history repeats itself, and you should learn from it?

  5. does it come in a spray can?

  6. Don't blame conservatives, it started with Carter.

  7. The key word in your question is "threaten".

  8. Plain and simple - too many countries have them now, and they have crazier rulers that just might call the bluff.

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