
What happened to the father in railway children?

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What happened to the father in railway children?




  1. He got stitched up and sent down. Having spent most of the film behind bars, his kids found out where he was and asked the nice man on the train to help get him out.

    The nice man on the train got it sorted and they all lived happily ever after.

  2. He got framed and sent to prison.

    Fortunately, with the help of one of the directors of the railway company, and a Russian refugee, Daddy got freed from prison and was able to rejoin his family.

    NB. Book  set in the early 1900's, when the Russian Revolution was kicking off.

    British Establishment paranoid about subversives and someone with a grudge against Daddy sees his chance to be rid of a rival for promotion, etc.

    ...but it all works out fine in the end.

  3. "Daddy. Oh, Daddy."


    This is my wife's favourite film, though she can't watch it when I'm around because I'm a train driver and point out all the rubbish railway details. I'll ask her for the definitive answer when she gets back from work, but I have a feeling he was arrested for being a spy.

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