
What happened to the horses of Confederate soldiers?

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they were shot and killed

they were sold to pay for Union losses

they were given to Union soldiers

Confederate soldiers were allowed to keep them




  1. They became food for starving Confederate Soldiers.

  2. orses, on the other hand, suffered terribly. Adams’ wrote to his mother:

    Imagine a horse with his withers swollen to three times the natural size, and with a volcanic, running sore pouring matter down each side, and you have a case with which every cavalry officer is daily called upon to deal, and you imagine a horse which has still to be ridden until he lays down in sheer suffering under the saddle.

    The horses got no hay on their forced marches, ate only about eight pounds of grain when a normal ration would be ten pounds, and drank from streams muddied by their very passage, and often bloody. Adams was not surprised at the result. Virginia, he wrote, was burdened with “the stench of dead horses, federal and confederate.”

  3. At Appomattox, they were allowed to keep them, those who owned their own horses and mules, since they would need them for the Spring planting.

    That was a part of Grant's terms given to General Lee.

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