
What happened to the moral republicans and their family values?

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Now that they have admitted to the VP nominee's daughter being 5 mos. pregnant, can they still preach to the choir about values?




  1. They have exchanged hyper-religiosity for moral values.  You can be moral and not religious, but when you proclaim your morality by proclaiming your personal beliefs, you are expecting the world to accept that belonging to a church means you do no wrong.  And we all know how that is not the case!

    It is just a cover or a code for anti-abortion and anti-g*y rights . . . and their proclamations as the holders of the nation's morality has not seemed to extend to the poor, the ill, the abused, or the less fortunate when it comes to policy.  Oh, sure, they will point to charities their churches support, or even run, but individuals rarely support public policy that bears any resemblance to moral and just solutions for these groups. . . .  

  2. Oh yes, let`s legislate morality. The most hypocritical thing a republican can do. I was hoping we were past that agenda, but maybe not. Where on earth is Dan Quayle, he`ll really put our party on track. (NOT)

  3. They are still there.

    I didn't realize the daughter of the VP candidate was running for President.

    Dems. sure do alot of deflecting from their candidate.  

  4. They are still there.  One has nothing to do with the other.  The daughter isn't running for office as far as I know.  Supporting values and being perfect are two different things.  I'm sure the Liberal Values are perfectly upheld by all.  Of course, that's not hard when you don't have any.  

  5. its all pretty funny.

    but never underestimate the republicans ability to find yet another scam to use rather than come up with an honest campaign or represent for something other than their dearest right  wing causes.

    You know there actually are issues that have nothing to do with jesus, darwin, g**s guns and gas guzzlers.

    But you wouldn't know it from those poor confused fools.

  6. Teen pregnancies occur in all political groups and all income levels. Educate yourself.

  7. their holier than thou message has been completely undermined by their national leaders.

    g*y preachers

    VP teen preg

    mccain cheating on wife

    gingrich dumping wife for mistress

    reagan having to get married to preg jane wyman

    cheney g*y daughter

    drug addict rush

    they talk a good game when condemning others, but they do the same thing themselves.

    their morality squawking is laughable.

  8. This can happen to anybody right or left. The parents who preach

    family values hope that their kids will follow their ideas and sometimes

    the kids do follow their parents ideas and sometimes they don't

  9. Just another statistic that proves that not teaching kids about contraception, or even saying you are a bad person if you do, results in more teenage pregnancy and venereal disease - not less.

    Our kids are not stupid - let's give them all the information and let them make informed choices.

  10. CONSERVATIVES and their family values, you people need to realize the difference.

    The daughter is 17, just a teenager.  And conservatives don't expect themselves to be perfect.  Part of family values is learning to admit your mistakes, and learn from them.  It's also acceptance and the willingness to pull together to get through a tough time, and to forgive. People make mistakes all the time, don't go around emphasizing hers while you've made a few in your lifetime.

    No one is perfect.

  11. The fact that a 17 year old gets pregnant does't have anything to do with family values. Teenagers will s***w around and not use protection no matter what so-called values they have been raised with.  

  12. Romney 2012...That's all I've got for you because it's our only hope.

  13. Family values means you stick by your daughter during a difficult time. You don't abort the unwanted pregancy. This is more than preaching this is walking the walk.

    Same as what she did by keeping a Downs syndrome baby.

  14. As opposed to what? your liberal lunacy and its morals that would have had Palins daughter in an abortion clinic as a means of birth control? or those liberal values that allow child molestors to roam the streets to prey on your kids..or those liberal values that reward illegals with sanctuary cities so that they are free to commit crimes like..oh murder.

    Sad that you can;t even admit your hateful. spiteful baseless attacks on Palin were proven wrong..what you have done is proven why change is an empty word with the obama campaign..because his own followers don;t grasp the concepts of change or unity--you as sholes won;t even admit when you've made a total jackass out of yourselves.

  15. They never had them. Republicans are America's brightest and best HYPOCRITES. Unfortunately, they're not the brightest and best ANYTHING ELSE.

  16. The social conservatives who preach family values always have an excuse/spin when one of their own fails to live up to their more code. But they make no allowances when a liberal has a very human failing.

  17. Rethuglicans are liars and hypocrites. Sarah Palin is the biggest liar and hypocrite there is. Let's hope she steps down for the sake of our country.

  18. Their "family values" are ignored when they become inconvenient. Still, they'll support teaching abstinence-only and lack of proper available birth control.

  19. Went out the window. But my question is, if they are so moral about not having abortions, then why do they engage in s*x before marriage...that is immoral as anything. The bible tells me so.

  20. of should cant control teenagers.  welcome to the real world Sarah....millions of moms with teens deal with this kind of thing  all the time.

    sarah really connects with the american family, and this helps my vote for her because she is REAL  

  21. Only idiots do not understand the concept of moral and family values.  It's not about getting into trouble or making's doing what is right when you do.

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