
What happened to the old cartoons?

by  |  earlier

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like you know, tiny toons, aladdin, pooh bear, gargoyle, and others from the 90s. i hate the new digital animated ones, like dexter and don't know the names of the rest coz they look sooooo annoying.




  1. They were signed onto that movie Roger Rabbit years ago. Most of the fans of old cartoons have turned into Japanese anime fans. Anime still has heart as for these digital cartoons.

  2. yea it was taken off air.. Cartoons today are filled with dumb shows... (some of them not all)....... they took off the best ones! like---------------- tom and jerry kids

    tiny toons


    alvin and the chipmunks

  3. I asked a similar question like this before, but mine was what happened to our childhood cartoons like bugs bunny old ones like that.And Answer erased my question for what reason i do not know.

  4. They were taken off the air, some temporarily, some permanently.

  5. i know!!!!!

    i miss them so much!!!

    where's the wild thornberry's???

    and alvin and the chimpmunks???

    and as told by freaking ginger??????

    kids today have to grow up with spongebob.

    .......oh god im 13 and im already saying "kids today"

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