
What happened to the other continents in WW2?

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Im english so have only really got told bout Europe and America ect

But as it was a world war -what happened to Africa,Asia and Australia in WW2?

Did they play a part or did they just keep quiet?




  1. Africa, was at the time made up of mostly European colonies.  Other than the landings on North Africa by both the Axis and Allies, any fighting that took place was generally of a small skirmish nature.  I will mention also, that before the majority of the world got involved, the Italians attacked Ethiopia and the League of Nations did nothing.

    As for Asia, the far East was over run by the Japanese - invasion of Manchuria, Singapore, Hong Kong, the Dutch East Indies etc..  They also tried to control Burma, Borneo, northern Australia and India.

  2. There were battles (or st least skirmishes) on every continent - except Antarctica.

    In Asia, the US Island hopped forcing the Japanese back. Whilst the British fought back in Burma, and the Australians & other Empire troops fought alongside them, and in Papua New Guinea.

    In Australia there were a cople of reconnaisance landings by the Japanese, as well as air raids on Darwin.

    In South America there was the Battle of the River Plate - see:

    In Africa the Italians and Germans fought the British almost all the way back to Cairo until they were beaten back.

    There were also skirmishes between Britain & Italy in Somaliland and between Vichy France & Britain in Equitorial Guinea.

    There was even some shelling by the Japanese of coastal  installations in California.

    And troops came from everywhere - across Asia & Africa, from almost every country in the World

  3. Austraila,New Zealand , South Africa, Kenya, Uganda, and many many more African countries, Most of India all fought the the Nazies and Japan.  Also you may not know about the Welsh, Scotish and Irish as well.  And of course Canada.

  4. Europe was only the beginning, but who taught you history?  Ever hear of Japan?  Japan attempted to take over China.  They fought the USA for control in Pacific Indo-China, Philippines, North Africa.  It was pretty wide spread.

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