
What happened to the quality questions here?

by  |  earlier

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This is NOT a troll and is a serious question,

what is going on with them? Why are we not getting the quality we used too?




  1. Scroll a bit down and look at the question I asked: Why isn't Yahoo keeping the trolls out of this tiny little niche that's called Travel/Germany? I understand that they maybe have better things to do than care about trolls in a sub-section about a tiny little European country; but h**l!, it's annoying to see so many good people leave and see people get frightened when they read what's going on here. They're gone without asking a single question.

    I'm not the reporting kind-of-guy, but let's declare this a troll-free zone on from now. It's against Yahoo! rules to use these forums for personal debate and trolling, so I think they should start to enforce their rules.

    Yahoo!Answers is #20 in's "top 50 websites of the year" ranking, as they proudly announced in Germany, and thanked us contributors:

    Now I think they should do something for us. Please. We'll make them "top 10", if they let us.

  2. Because people like you ask questions like that.

  3. Reread your question and you tell me.

    Too many people have too much time on their hands. I'm sitting at work answering your ridiculous question, so I guess I'm not helping the whole process and I'm just being a hypocrite, but whatever, lol.

  4. because people have to much time on their hands.

  5. Because the kids are out of school I think.

    I asked a good question about the recession our county (The U.S.) was in the other day.. got 3 responses..  Not even worth it anymore.  Ask about the stupid Jonas brothers and you'll get all kinds of kid answers.  Best to come at night when the kiddies have gone to sleep!

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