
What happened to the question asking what we think about adoption?

by  |  earlier

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There was the poem in it about the adoptive mother telling her child he grew not under her heart but in it, I answered it and now it is gone. Since I am not all that familiar with this venue, can someone please let me know what happened to it? I am confused and eager to read some of the other responses to it.




  1. Oh Suzy are you feeling a little delirious? No matter how many thumbs down people get they don't get blocked.  Getting blocked is an individual decision by each person on whether or not they block you.

  2. I spoke to her using the IM function, explaining why I wrote what I did, just so she understood that I was not trying to attack her...

    ... and that if she came here expecting to see nothing BUT praise about adoption... that she'd be in for a harsh surprise.

    No, I did not call her names or threaten or curse at her. I explained myself very well as to why I had not liked that poem. She then wrote back to me, saying that while it made the pro-adoption people happy, she hadn't realized it would also hurt a good number of people here. So she thanked me and said she would take it down - she hadn't realized what an outburst it would cause.

  3. My guess is that the asker was surprised at the answers she was getting (which didn't seem to run along the same lines as the sunshine and rainbows view of adoption most of us think of before listening to "the other side of the story"), and deleted it.

  4. It may have offended some people and they reported it.  There are alot of anti-adoption folks in here who don't like that poem.  I happen to love it.

  5. The asker may have deleted it, it may have been reported and pulled, or the status may have been changed to "Resolved," meaning it no longer appears in the main list.

    If you look in your profile under the questions you've responded to, you'll be able to see if it's Resolved. If it is, it'll still be in your list, with that status indicated.

    If it's not there, it was either pulled by Yahoo or deleted by the asker, but there's no way to know which or to retrieve the deleted question and responses.

    However, you could post your own question asking people to respond to the topic.

  6. The question was probably reported by the trolls and deleted. I have seen about 5 or 6 questions within the last 2 days deleted. If you stay around very long you  will see that if you say positive things about adoption you get the thumbs down or your questions and or answeres are reported.

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This question has 6 answers.


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