
What happened to the russians?

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Are they bidding their time or they have slacken over the years? I'm not russian but it surprises me that it is so low on the gold medal tally. 3 so far when china has over 20 and USA over 10 seeing that Russia was the 3rd highest in gold medals at the 2004 Athens olympics.




  1. s***w the ruskies. Those b******s cheated at every sport for years before drug testing. Now Ivan sucks. SEE, THERE IS A GOD !!!

  2. Back in the day,as they say, If you didn't bring home the gold USSR would ship your butt to siberia.Today there're a little more democratic and only  take away your goverment stipend.China is about the same way. A totalitarian goverment that won't allow second place.Question? Have you ever seen any of the china contestants smile?

  3. They've all migrated to the U.S.A where the money and glory is.

  4. I guess that before the USSR ceased, they had huge numbers of athletes to send, and the government poured huge amounts of money into sport so they could look good to the outside world. Now, the area consists of many different countries, and they probably spend their money on different things. We'll never see that Russian supremacy again.  

  5. They're society has almost completely collapsed.  Bad times in Russia now.

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