
What happened to the vichy french forces that fought against allies in ww2

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french navy declined to fight against germany or go over to british forces

and were sunk off Casablanca by the British navy -French forces fought uk in western desert




  1. The Vichy French forces didn't 'fight' against the allies however on a few occasions they resisted attempts by the allies to take over Vichy French territory.

    The attack on the French Fleet at Mers el Kebir happened after the armistice and the British gave an ultimatum that the fleet join the British side, sail to French territory in the West Indies, or scuttle themselves. The British didn't want any of this modern fleet falling into German hands, so when all of these terms were refused, the Royal Navy bombarded the ships at anchor in Mers el Kebir bay the home port of the French Fleet in North Africa.

    Other overseas French territory’s resisted attempts to join the allied side, most notably Dakar which fought off an allied attack, but examples of Vichy forces actually fighting on the axis side are very rare, indeed later in the war the remains of the fleet in France scuttled themselves at Toulon rather than allow the Germans to seize French warships in contravention of the armistice agreement.

    French forces fighting the allies where more likely to join the 33rd SS division (Charlemagne) which was made up almost exclusively of French volunteers. Contrary to popular opinion, the SS later in the war became almost a foreign legion of volunteers from many different countries. The Charlemagne division was effectively destroyed by the Russian army in the Baltic States in early 1945, but some members where fighting in Berlin in the last days of the war.

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