
What happened to the world!!!!?

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Nobody cares about other people anymore,only a few some things u hate that happened to our world.I hate how nobody cares about animals anymore.or how helpless children are getting abused or how global warming is killing polar bears.if u agree with me list some thing you hate the most and why???




  1. I hate peopLe just waLk in this earth and doing nothing.. I mean does earth need us now?? To cLean the worLd from PoLution?? To save the ozone?? To protect endangered animaLs?? But THey just stay at home, Listening music, and doing nothing..! Even theY are throwing rubbish and trash in everywhere!!! I hate the way they manipuLate earth and Break the Nature.

    huff.. . ..  =(

  2. People who generalize like you do.

  3. people are just changing i guess. These days all people care about is money. They're all too worried about paying off loans, debt and taxes that they just stop caring about everyone else in the world.

  4. Man-made Global warming is a myth.. In the past one hundred years the planet has warmed a mere six-tenths of a degree.  Yet... carbon dioxide levels have been increasing however, the temperatures have actually been coming down over the last 10 years.  

    Not to mention that the polar ice caps on Mars are meltings as well, but I dont see any Land Rovers and Hummers on that planet..  it's from the Sun.

    I dislike a lot of things on this planet, there's no such thing as perfect and there's no such thing as normal and that something everyone has to accept.  Everyone expects this ultimate reality and utopia that will never be and that probably the main problem with it all.  

    Look at the flu.  Influenza is a natural virus, that kills humans and animals alike.  This is the way the world works, death and destruction is a part of life.  

    The most you can do is do the best you can do for the planet, life in general, your fellow man, and yourself.

  5. I hate that the more you love in this world the more in this world you'll hate.

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