
What happened to this man?

by  |  earlier

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a man is found in the middle of the room and he has hung himself, there is absolutely nothing in the room, not even windows just a door ten foot or so away from the dead man, except for a pool of water underneath him, what happened to him, how did he hang himself?




  1. This might've been the janitor that entered said room to mop!?! & as they moped `round the room slpped hit his head!?! possibly s0o hard that it made his brain shift or move !?! Possibly having the brain hit the front or sides of his skull/ putting him in a coma !?! But the head trauma may've been what killed him!?! & or because he was found t0o late to get medical help!?! So he died !!  ;-'{    .,.r R r.,.  

  2. Yeah, he stood on a block of ice

  3. He stood on a block of ice and it melted.  

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