
What happened to those huge parades like after ww2?

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in those war documentaries you always see those huge parades for the soldiers welcoming homes. why wasnt one held for vietnam? i know it wasn't popular but still don't the soldiers deserve SOMETHING. and do you think the soldiers in iraq are going to recieve a huge welcome home like the ones from world war 1 & 2 or do you think those parades are over?




  1. I am ashamed to say those days are long gone.

    It's a national disgrace that we don't honor heroes and those willing to lay down their life to protect America and the Constitution.

    Instead the media is chosen to idolize and make heroes of those who wish to tear America apart.

    And ashamed and disillusioned veteran

  2. They went out of style.  And it has nothing to do with hate.  I'm a democrat and I served in the Navy.  I'm proud of my service and my country.  But parades are long gone.  They're not coming back.  People's attitudes towards wars have changed.  And that's not coming back either.

  3. Vietnam was a more of a "police action".  Plus it happened during the peak of hippie time, when war was not cool at all.

    If there really was a repeat of WW2, *directly* defending the US against hostile nations, sure why not have a parade?

  4. They are few and far between, mainly in the smaller towns throughout the country. The first time I came home, there was one in Columbus, GA; however, you rarely see them anymore. In my opinion, it's the hate that the extreme left has for the war that prevents them from honoring those that are simply doing their jobs. I may be wrong, but I'd be surprised if I am.

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