
What happened to whites after apartheid? (Looking for book recommendations only)?

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Does anyone know of any scholarly books on whites after Apartheid?

How did they handle the change?

Where did they go? What did they do?

How did the large poor white population develop? What were their views?

When did most begin to realize that they were no better than everyone else?

How did they handle that realization mentally after generations of believing otherwise?

I will also take recommendations on books dealing with the structure of white society during (and/or after) apartheid (class, religion, nationality etc.)

e.g. How did the British whites differ from the Boers? Who was richer? Who achieved more?

No silly screeds please. Only scholarly books available at Amazon or B&N--and preferably newer titles.

Thank you.




  1. Um if u are in South Africa u can find books on that at any book store or library.  But if u wanna know whats happening with the whites now I can tell u. I am a white South African although i was born in 93 and apartheid ended in 94. But i know enough

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