
What happened to you to make you believe in the paranormal?

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Or ghosts, spirits...




  1. When I knew that I could see them.

  2. I believed in the paranormal, becauce I am abnormal. I thought we were distant cousins or something.

  3. ok, so my old bestfriend had a older brother who died of a really bad sickness of somesort. he was about 16 when he died. and before he died and was sick, we both sort of had romantic "encouters" with eachother.  so my friend and i were both sitting at the computer watching music videos, when i felt someone leaning on my shoulder. i thought it was her other little brother and he was just trying to get my attention. but i turned around and no one was there. but i still felt the human hand on me. later, i got the guts to tell my friend about it, and i took off my shirt to look at my shoulder and there was a bright red handprint on my shoulder. i got really scared and couldnt think of any logical explanations.

    i still dont know if that was her brother or if it was anything paranormal, but i still wonder about it.

  4. Call this word-picking, but i don't believe in the paranormal, i believe in the supernatural.

    I'm a Christian, and i believe in spirits and angels.

    Why? Because i've seen angels. When i talk of angels, i believe in both those from God and those that are demons.

    The spirits i'm talking about aren't things flying around the air, rather a think inside a person.

    I believe in supernatural healing, by God's power. Because i have experienced it personally, instantly, dramatically.

    I also believe that some psychics/mediums etc are actually accurate. But they are being jipped of God's power, instead relying on the counterfeit of God's power that satans "made".

    I'm not going to give a lecture about it, it's not what you asked for. Although, i will say this..

    Some people may say "what they heck is a Christian doing on a board about paranormal/new age/etc.. and AGREEING with some of it?"

    Because as i said, some people have the counterfeit.

    (if you want to argue this with me, feel free- email me)

  5. I worked in a haunted building and that's what started me believing. My secretary saw the reflection of a Native American in one of the pictures hanging on the wall but we searched and there was no one in the office but us. Then things would disappear... only to mysteriously appear later somewhere else.

    That was a start...

  6. For some strange, unfathomable reason...

    The only time I've believed in the paranormal...

    Was when I was at a Grateful Dead Concert...

    Go figure...

  7. seeing is believing. having seen and experienced paranormal things will do that for you.

  8. Well, some things have happened to me. Like there is an evil cat (I know it may sound silly but it's true) in my neighborhood, well there used to be. It first started with my friend's little brother falling out the window and luckily landing on the sandbox. My friend was in the room with him and claims she heard a meow and saw a cat push him out of the window. I got really interested. Also, when that same friend moved, there was a haunted house in her new neighborhood. She knows this because her sister's friend claims she heard moaning in the night so I came over and we decided to check it out. We brought her friend's camera. We got actual photos of the ghost picking up her towel (they had got wet in the rain) and then dropping it. And we got another photo of her and her husband in a tuxedo and a wedding dress. When we came back later, we heard knocking and then a scream and saw the curtains open and close. We started screaming and the lady across the street came out and said "No one lives there. Stay away. I don't want you to get hurt. Don't take pictures!!!" By then we were more interested than ever. Why would we get hurt? Why didn't she want us to take pictures? Why didn't anyone live there? So we figured she had something to do with it. On our way back, we saw my friends name and birthday carved into the street. So the next day when the lady was gone, we went back to the haunted house and saw nothing. When we went back, we were disappointed when she pointed to the back of my leg and said "Look. She's bleeding!!!" So everyone else checked the back of their legs and everyone also had a red mark, and we were wearing sandels! It was so scary, we never went back there. So thats why I started believing in that. I really hope this helps you.

  9. I have seen a ghost when I was around ten years old, I saw a man walk off a porch , the property was searched and no one was found and later that evening someone else saw a person walk off the same porch and no one was found, on this property was some homes and  my sister saw someone looking out of a window at us when no one was home as we were going to get our parents , we heard something fall in the house and when the house was searched the bathroom stool was over turned. We saw lights come on in this house when no one was home.My dad heard voices in this house no one was home, and one time he heard someone snoring in a bedroom of the house when he was sitting there looking at magazines and there was no one there. He saw a civil war soldier in the yard , and in our home I was thinking of some one who had died and something started pounding and banging on bedroom window which if it was a person they would have had to use a ladder . And the way it was pounding the windows should have shattered. At my home where I live now I saw my dead neighbor in his yard, he looked so sad and so pale and dressed in black clothes.

  10. Man, that's a long story!

    Visit my website: Where Ghosts Do Dwell

  11. i grew up in a haunted house where i seen ghosts or "orbs" alot. this orb would appear in my room at night an hang out in the corner of my room. i would wake up in the middle of the night at it would be floating there . CREEPY! sometimes it would move a little, it was about the size of a grapefruit 3 dimensional ball of dimly lit light source. one time it floating to the middle of my room closer to me an i got scared so i asked my dad to sleep in my room to watch the ghost. that night the ghost appeared closser then it ever had before, 2.5 feet from my face! i gazed into it for like 8 seconds before nudgeing my dad awake. he was half awake while turning over his elbow hit the ghost an it disapeared an never came back. i know this ghost isnt in my head because 3 other people seen it at the same time once while we were sitting in the liveing room it came out of my brother bedroom floating towards us. needless to say it sent 4 people fleeing out of the house like a bad horror flick

  12. If I wrote about my life, the book would have some thousand pages. I was born in a Christian family, my mother was Anglican, my father Lutheran. Then I studied in Catholic schools. But I have experienced so many paranormal facts that I'd be a fool not to believe. All my life I tried to convince people of my beliefs, until some years ago, when I was researching on Instrumental Transcommunication and got clear, intelligent voices from the "other side". But gave up. Either people would scare, thinking the recordings were due to the "devil", or came up with the stupidest theories. The reality was there, in front of their noses, but they simply wouldn't see, or didn't want to see. I believe there was no paranormal fact that I haven't witnessed. And my family too. I don't want to "spread the word" anymore. People should start their research for themselves.

  13. Reading about it & hearing a voice call my name one night when I was in bed.

  14. When i was a child,A ghost used to sit at the end of my bed.I was scared witless. I now believe in ghosts.

  15. Some people are going to think I'm a nutcase but meh to them.

    Anyway hon I was once upset at school camp about something and I was all alone when I heard a gentle young man's voice from out of nowhere ask if I was alright and that immediately snapped me out of feeling bad and had me looking around to try and find out who spoke to me.

    But, when I looked nobody was there.

    I've always believed in the paranormal anyway.

  16. I was young, impressionable, curious and didn't know any better.  Funny how the ghosts faded when the education started taking off.

  17. Well, about 7 years ago I snapped a picture of my daughter and her friend. When I got them developed, I noticed a white figure to the left of my daughter and it was going in front of the her. I wanted to throw it out thinking it was ruined, but my someone pointed out the fact that it look alot like my daughters father. He had died in the exact spot the picture was taken. I started researching the paranormal and ghosts and come to the realization that the white figure in the picture was her dad....I have been a believer ever since. It takes alot for me to believe in the unknown...I am an atheist and I feel that believing in ghosts and spirits doesn't go hand and hand with believing in a god.

    My husband (now) and I are ghost hunters..we try to find hard scientific facts that ghosts actually exsist at the place we are far we have had wonderful results.

  18. A lapse in judgment and rationality.

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