
What happened when your parents....?

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Found out you smoked? How were you punished?




  1. my mom found out when i was like twentysomething so she didnt seem to get bothered she just told me she once  did and its just not good for you talk and thas  it so i d it sometimes but just when i sometimes drink maybe a puff or t2 but nope i think the way my parents were before i got older probably they would of slapped me or soemthing specially my dad he was very hands on kinds guy if you know what i mean if there was a stick around at the moment i was being pinished forget it well thas all well good luck !!!!

  2. My I smoked from the time I was a was my parent's second-hand smoke.  I now have asthma as a result.

    If I found out my child smoked, she would end up doing two things: (1) Smoking non-stop until she was sick and (2) Visiting the cancer unit at our local hospital and talking with some of the lung cancer patients there.

    All the best.

  3. I started smoking when I was 12.  My mother found out when I was 15.  One of my former friends ratted me out thinking I'd get in trouble.  

    Craziest thing happened.  I was sitting there before school one day and she asked me point blank if I smoked.  I said yes.  Then she said, "well do you want  a few to get you through the day?"  and she gave me the rest of her pack.

    If I had known she'd have that reaction...I would have told her myself, lol.  To think all those times I had to go hide or a take a walk when I wanted one.  *shaking head*

    I ended up quitting when I was 19 though.

    I found out my daughter smoked (14) and I gave her the whole "what cigarettes can do talk".  We've been having that talk since she was 5 and she even gave the lecture to my sister for years...but enter peer pressure and she started anyway.  She was grounded from the computer and not allowed to go out with friends for a month.  This was just before school got out, and as far as I know she hasn't smoked this summer, she says no.  But, school is starting again and I'm almost positive she'll start again.  I'm not giving her my permission or about to help her get any, but I know there's very little I can do about it.  I just don't have to make it easy...  

  4. Honestly, i know my parents would absolutely kill me and i would never be trusted to do anything again. Me, if i found out my kid smoked, he/she would end up at the cancer ward of a hospital to see what people who smoked are going through.

  5. My mother found a pack in her car...she knew they weren't hers, so....I was 17...she didn't do anything really..

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