
What happened with the american team?

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They´re eating chinese dust in the olimpic games..




  1. There is no American Football in the Olympics, so I'm saying you picked the wrong category. So since you aren't saying WHICH team it is hard to answer your so called question. The American Basketball team because the Chinese team. The U.S. took gold and silver in the all around in female gymnastics. Micheal Phelps is setting records 6 for 6 gold and World Records. So maybe you should stop smoking that dust and explain what you are talking aboutl.

  2. Before asking a question do the following:

    1. Get your facts straight

    2. Learn how to spell. Its OLYMPICS not olimpic.

  3. are you kidding me uSa is killing china

  4. USC is an ALL AMERICAN TEAM!!!!

  5. Umm... NO the USA IS WHOOPING UP on the CHEATING Chinese.  What's up with all the cheating HUMM?  DO you know how old your team is?  IF so why do you let them compete?? CHEATERS they should strip the medals away and award them to the athletes that competed fairly and deserve said medals!!

  6. Because it's in China..the judges are one sided with the chinese because china has been known to be a hostile enviroment

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