
What happenes when iguanas tail breaks off? and how do i care for it?

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i am worried because i was putting my iguana back into its cage (and it has been only a few weeks that i have had it-so it is a baby) and the cage dooor that goes up and down fell on top of the tail and cut it off (most of it) and i dont know what to do and how do u care for it- will you please help?




  1. When you say "most of it" are you saying that the tail was severed high up on the lizard?  Because if so, it can be a serious issue.  If over three quarters of the tail is gone, I would consider taking the animal to a vet.

    However, tail breaks are fairly common among iguanas and can be treated at home.  The most important thing is to make sure the tail does not get infected.  The aftercare of a minor tail breakage is simple. Make sure the area has stopped bleeding. You may use styptic powder (which can be bought in pet stores in their nail trimming section) or cornstarch or flour to help stem the bleeding. Usually, there is little blood loss after a tail break. Cleanse the area with Betadine (providone-iodine), making sure that all the powder is cleaned off. You can either blot it dry with a clean piece of gauze or let it air dry, and apply Neosporin ointment (or any triple antibiotic ointment) to the end of the tail. Repeat the cleaning and Neosporin routine twice daily for a week or until the wound has healed over. Watch closely for signs of infection or gangrene.

    Contrary to popular belief, iguanas do not exactly re-grow their tails.  They do re-grow an approximation of what their tails once looked like, but it is made up of scar tissue and looks very different from the natural tail.

  2. its fine but if your worried you can use just paper towel in the cage  to keep it clean and you can put neosporin on it if you feel it is getting infected. other than that just feed a little more an kick the heat up a few degrees. good luck

  3. i think it grows back

  4. it willl grow back, but it may take a long while if almost all of it is gone. i have had this happen to my iguana and it was about two feet, and the sliding door fell on its tail and cut about 2 inches off. it is shorter than my other iguana's tail that is the same age, but it grew back pretty good.

  5. dont worry it goin to grow back give it time

  6. Wow. I have never heard of this happining before. I would say take it to the vet. Thats what I would do. Good luck and I hope the little guy is gonna be ok!

  7. first of all it is ok to have a lost tail many lizards loss there tail. unless it is bleeding alot or looks infected you have nothing to worry about. the tail is mostly used for fat storage and water storage. after an this happens try feeding more food so the lizard can regain any lost fat or water, and it will replenish its energy also try to give it rest to regain energy , but don't worry

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