
What happens after a miscarriage?

by  |  earlier

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How do they get the fetus out, is it true they suck it out with a vacuum? that's what someone told me.

(Soory if this q sounds insensitive, i'm just curious).




  1. Girl, this question belongs in the Health section!  It has absolutely NOTHING to do with trains!

  2. This is a heck of a question for the transportation section > Rail.

    Why don't you ask your mother?



  3. well, it depends, sometimes the fetus will abort and miscarry itself. When I had my miscarriage, my body expelled it by itself.

    They never suck the dead fetus out with a vacuum, not that I've ever heard.

    If the fetus does not expell itself within a day or two, the woman will go in for whats called a D&C, which is dialating the cervix, and scraping out the remains.

    Sounds painful huh? Scrape!

    Well- I never had one, but you spend the night in the hospital.

  4. wtf why are u askin in the car section. mabey the med section knows. i know cars , not that.

  5. The bit of train comes off the back and sometimes bounces off the rails. I'm sorry, I was in the rail category and forgot to turn off train mode. I doubt they would use a vacuum. In fact I have no idea, but it's a hard question to ask people, what with it being a sensitive subject.

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