
What happens after a suicide attempt?

by  |  earlier

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When they come home, go back to school, et cetera. If you've been their, what was the experiece like?




  1. if attempt is in jail, you are placed in a safe cell, striped naked, and given a suicide blanket.  You are watched 24 hours a day.  You are given a stryofoam cup of water and a loaf for your meal.  Good luck.

  2. If the person takes their medication as prescribed and keeps their doctor's appointments, life gets better.

    Family members and friends may be a little nervous around you for a bit, but that quickly passes and life goes on.

    All the best to you.

  3. you usually ******* DIE!!!!!!!

    but if it fails, keep trying till you finally manage it :P

  4. you go to jail, or you are under suicide watch.

    It's a bad idea.

  5. The hospital didn't really care, they didn't keep me there for a week or anything. But the family doctor kept making follow-up appointments until I had finally convinced her I was okay. Where I live the school typically isn't notified, except my mom just *had* to go talk to the counselor there and tell him everything, and she e-mailed the teachers telling them I was absent because i was sent to the ER. Made them suspicious of course. Umm, my parents acted funny around me for months, they still don't trust me home alone, it's awful. If you're thinking about attempting, don't.  

  6. I knew a guy at school who intentionally tried to overdose on pills as a suicide attempt and he was put on probation, that later extended to a year's worth. And if you've never been on probation, consider yourself lucky.

    I knew of him because of that suicidal predicament, and only because of that. It'd be best to avoid making the attempt altogether, before receiving such a notorious reputation. It's never worth it, high school is full of cruel kids.

    On another note, you're loved, whether you realize it or not. Don't forget that.

  7. If that person is still alive after a suicide attempt, that means that he/she is given another chance at life. They do have something to live for. It's tough to go back to everything the way the things were before as if nothing has happened, but that person should pull through.  Eventually, that person will appreciate that fact that he/she is still alive and will be able to help the next person who is thinking of committing suicide.

  8. I can tell you my account.

    After my attempt I spent four months in the hospital, five weeks of that in a coma.  When I came back home I was using a walkerand eeryone was very caring/worried about me.  It was a couple of months before anyone was comfortable with me being left home alone, and a few more months before I could go out by myself.  

    I had a shrink in the hospital thatI saw several days a week, and now I have one I see every few months to renew anti-depressant prescriptions.

    Good friends are still good friends.

    Medically, I am still a work in progress.  I have had eleven surgeries, physical occupational and speech therapy.  I have no nose,no teeth, and eat through a tube, I have double vision, and I have at least a couple years before everything is back to normal again.

    Strangers are largely sympathetic, but some are rude.

    I am much happier now thatn I was before the attmept, though.

    Overall, I wouldn't recommend it.

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