
What happens after i send a letter to quit a job?

by Guest66932  |  earlier

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i work at Victoria's Secret, by the way... as a sales associate. i've only worked there for two months as a seasonal employee and i am going to write the hiring director at my job a letter to notify her that i will be resigning my position. do i just give her the letter and expect her to just terminate my position or is there something she'll have me do after she gets the notice? this is my first time quiting a job so it would be nice if anyone explains the process fully. thank you :)




  1. In your letter state the last day you intend to work.  When I did this with the Disney Store, they decided to not even put me on the work list for those two weeks.  It depends on the person and if she is going to be mean about it.  You could talk to her and let her know your situation and the circumstances. Good Luck ... I don't like Victoria;s Secret anyway good move :)

  2. Generally an acceptable notice period is two weeks (or 10 working days) so give at least a two-week notice.  Each company is different in how they handle things.  At my last job, I gave my boss a month's notice and then on my last day I turned in my ID badge and my company credit card - that was it.  Some companies require you to complete paperwork and/or do an exit interview with an HR staff member.

  3. Well basically you need to find out what the ''notice period'' is, this is how long you have to work after you have handed in your request! usually between a week and a month. but as you arer a seasonal employee anyway  you are only contracted to work a set period of time e.g over the summer. So i would ask the manager first if you need to hand in notice or not.  

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