
What happens after the baby is delivered?

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I am 22 week pregnant and am really starting to think about giving birth, last night i had really vivid dreams about it, is that normal? It got me thinking about what actually happens after baby/ placenta is delivered. Do you get washed up, feed baby, dress her (i am having a girl)- i dont actually know? Is this something my midwife will discuss with me or will have to wait and see.

Thanks for putting me at ease, I like to plan and be prepared- sometimes a bit too much!!




  1. u and bub get checked, u feed baby,get her dressed, have a nice shower, then go to ur room. congrats and goodluck.

  2. It's totally normal to have dreams! I've had 3 children and every hospital does things differently. In general after you have your daughter, the nurses will take her and make sure she's fine. You'll get cleaned up a little, not a shower or anything like that just change the pads you laying on, sheets. I was given a pad to put between my legs and every so often a nurse would come and check how much I was bleeding! Your daughter will be brought to you as soon as she's all checked out and if everything is ok, she can stay in your room the whole time. She doesn't have to go to the nursery unless you want her too.Good Luck and enjoy your daughter!! I have 2 boys and 1 little girl and she is SO amazing!! My best friend!! You will love it!!!

  3. well im also prego with a girl!! congrats =)

    but this is my second child (first was a boy) and when i had him...after i gave birth to him, my hubby cut the cord. the docs first gave him to me to hold and then took him shortly after to check his temp weigh wrap him up ect. i was giving birth to the placenta while that was going on. then i got my stitches from the cut they had to make (i think i got to hold my son then too but i cant remember for sure but i know my hubby was holding him then too) then almost immediately they made me stand up and lots of other blood chunks ect came out (ewww) and then i went into the bathroom and sat on the toilet and had to sqeeze this water thing on my (feels amazing!!) and then back in the bed i went. not long after i the room was cleaned up and ppl came in to visit =)

  4. Your midwife will talk to about it .

    For me as soon as baby was delivered they put him on my chest (I got do reach down and pull him out and onto my chest!)

    If the baby is breathing well and their color is good you get to hold baby for a little while. Then They took him to clean him off  and weigh him right by my bed. They did his vitamin k shot and put the "****" in his eyes and gave him back. at that point I got to try and nurse for a few min.  

    I had an epidural so they had me sit and eat a meal and then try and get up and take a quick shower before I got moved to the mom and baby floor.

    after that someone will come in your room I think every 2 hours to check your blood pressure and temp and monitor your bleeding, then they will check baby too.

  5. The staff takes her and gets her "stats", wipes her off and swaddles her and then hands her over to you.

    My daughter had a temp when she was born and because there was so much time between when my water broke and when I delivered that she had to go to Special Care Nusery to get an IV and IV antibiotics so the staff took her and I fell asleep for a couple of hours. They didn't wash me up or anything and I didn't breast feed her until I went to the nursery when I woke up.

    The OBGYN stitched me up and everything while I was waiting to be handed my daughter so I didn't even notice she did it.

    Hope this helps!

  6. You will just lie there and REST! They hopefully will hand you the baby as soon as he/she is delivered to feed her immediately- a great bonding thing and calming for the baby as well.

    Eventually they will take her to clean her (unless you are delivering in a hospital- then they will take her pretty quick)- babies are born covered in the stuff he was living in inside you- and may be a little purple looking.

    (no one told me that with my first baby and I thought he looked like an alien- it freaked me out)

    I have now had 4- you will rest and sleep on and off (and maybe eat something yummy- tell someone what you are hungry for and tell them to GO get it for you!) for about 10-12 hours before you even start to think about getting up to bathe or walk around, but they will clean you up with a sponge as soon as possible.

  7. If you are breastfeeding the first thing they do it place the baby on your chest. She will be naked at this point. Then they may put a nappy and a vest on her whilst you feed her. You basically get left to your own devises here whilst the midwives clean up and you will get offered something to eat and drink. Then hubby can go and call everyone. Whilst he is having a cuddle you can get washed up. If you've had an epidural they may come to wash you as you could still be numb. If you've not had any pain relief you'll probably just be told to hop into the shower. Good luck.

  8. I am in my 2nd pregnancy. Last time, I held my baby in my arms and breastfed her straight away. She fell asleep and I lay on the bed and held her for at least an hour. The staff gave me some stitches, cleaned up, brought food and I didn't move. I didn't care about anything except my beautiful girl.

    Eventually, I had a shower, but didn't get my b*****s wet. This helps the baby to smell the amniotic fluid and find the way back to the breast for the next feed.

    Then we were shown how to put a nappy on her and dress her, and we wrapped her up. Then we went to the room where we would sleep and my partner and I phoned our friends and family.

    Don't rush the first hour. Establishing breastfeeding is your most important job at that time.

    Have a lovely birth.

  9. after delivery you will be assesed for your health ie do you need stitches and are you stable. you may be able to visit for a minute or so but they ususally take the baby for her bath and weight and check up.

    most moms fall asleep for this period. you are exausted. when you wake up you will want a shower and clean clothes. and get your baby back. you will be swollen and sore and hard to move too much. once you start passing gas or have a bowel movement you can be released home.

    good luck. its a great thing to have your new little baby. i wihs you all the best!

  10. With both of mine they took the baby, cleaned her up dressed her, cleaned me up and stiched me, handed me the baby let me cuddle for awhile then took a shower and ate and got my baby back.  

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