
What happens after waste is seperated, treated on aeroplanes during flight? Is it released outside in-flight?

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On aeroplane toilets: wastes are collected, separated, and treated in a specially devised tank system. However, FAA documents don't elaborate on the actual disposal of the waste.

Is the waste released outside during a flight? And if so, what are the risks to marine transport such as boats and other such vessels? Or does the waste become stored in a tank which then is emptied upon landing?




  1. No, it is stored in a tank and pumped out when on the ground.

  2. The toilet wastes on aircraft are put into sewers and treated the same as other sewer waste. It is never dumped into oceans, or other places. It is impossible for the flight crew to do this because of the plumbing. It is taken from aircraft via a lavatory service truck and then put into the sewerage system at the airport.



  3. The waste is stored and emptied in a Lav cart when it lands. Smaller planes like Citations have "inside" lavs of which the toilet is taken apart and the base that holds the water and waste is taken out of the plane by hand

  4. It's not released in flight.  A big tank truck empties the waste tank of the aircraft after it lands. Every now and then you hear about people saying they've found "blue ice" which is liquid waste combined with that blue water and chemical additive that flushed the toilet on a plane jettisoned during high altitude flight and freezes before it hits the ground.  Aircraft are not suppose to release this material but it happens from time to time because of a malfunction in the disposal system.


  5. toilet waste goes to a holding tank which is pumped out into a tank truck on the ground when full.  The truck, in turn, is pumped into a sewer line or sewage disposal plant.

    Like everything else on an airliner, if the system works correctly, the truck driver gets the credit, but if something goes wrong, the Captain gets the blame.

  6. The next time you are in an airport look out the window for the small truck with the semi-round tank on the back.  The is the same type of truck your local sewer company use it sucks the waste out of the aircraft holding tank and dumps it in the local sewer dump station on the airport.  The waste is treated at the local sewage treatment plant same as house waste.

    The lav waste is not dumped during flight or dump on the ramp.  It is stored in holding tanks and removed after landing just like a motor home.

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