
What happens after when you have a stroke?

by Guest56580  |  earlier

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My Dad had a stroke yesterday and I'm so worried about him. No one will tell me how he is. I know it's not normal to log on to yahoo and ask a question but I can't stop thinking about him.

What happens after a stroke? Will he still be able to walk? Anything?!?




  1. some people are ok after a stroke but their are some that aren't so lucky and wind up being paralyzed temporarily or permanently. it depends whether the stroke was bad or really bad. as for your father just keep praying that he'll be ok and try to go to the hospital and see him if you can

  2. It depends on what side you get on i think on the left you get paralyzed  

  3. sorry to write this here but my aunt just had one sunday and i went to go see her today and i didnt know what to expect so i would like to know to because i dont know anyone whos had a stroke

  4. Have you just watched eastenders?

  5. It all depends on the type, location, severity, and the amount of time that passed from the onset of his symptoms and starting treatment (if due to a clot).  

    Only his doctors can give you any type of prognosis for your father.  

    You need to be asking his doctor this question.  

    Wish the best for you and your father!

  6. just depends on how severe the stroke was and how quickly he was treated try here for more info

  7. A stroke can occur in any part of the brain.  The exact area that was affected, and the severity of the stoke, is what determines his abilities or lack thereof afterwards.  Only his neurologist can tell you which sections of his brain were affected and what level of recovery can be expected.  If they aren't answering you yet, it could be that they don't know.

    Yeah, it's scary.  And it's your dad, which is not only scary, but it's not fair.  Right now, if you're able to go in to see him, be sure you talk to him.  Touch him, even if he doesn't appear to be able to move his hand.  Let him know you're there.

    His doctor will have an answer in another day or two, and they will go over lots of treatment options with the family.  Ask any questions you need to ask.  Take notes to help you remember what they say.  Don't be embarrassed if you have to ask a doctor to spell a word for you.  

    I hope he's going to be okay.

  8. It's a blood vessel rupturing and preventing blood flow to the brain.

    The longer it's left, the less chance to get better.

    My dad had a stroke and we took him to the hospital immediately but they kept him there overnight without doing anything, then the day after they transferred him to a bigger hospital and the doctor said he received the patient beyond optimal time.

    So he never recovered and remained like a vegetable for two years. We had to look after him in the house too as my mother heard bad stories about nurses leaving him in his own dirt so we took him home and it was h**l as he wanted to die and screamed his head off most days and nights. Guttural sounds. We fed him through a hole in the stomach via a pipe. I never knew that life could get so bad but it did.

    Then he died. I think he must have drown in his own fluids.

    I have already written a note that I'd want them to take me to Holland where I can then be terminated if this happened to me.

    I gave up smoking and bought a cyclette and use it 3 hours every day, I am as fit as a fit 19 year old, even better.

    Good news is, many of them do recover quite well so I wish you and your dad the very best.

  9. depends on how severe it was.....  good luck

  10. it depends how severe it was neighbour had one & he can walk...albeit with a slight limp.  some people lose the use of a limb or can not speak properly...but some people have very mild symptoms afterwards.  good luck to your dad!

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