
What happens after you pass your driving test (in UK)?

by  |  earlier

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do you automatically get sent a full licence? or do you have to send off for one?




  1. You have to send off for one. You will get a pass certificate from your examiner & you have to send that off (along with some money) to the DVLA. You can get all the forms from the post office, or you might be able to apply for your new license online at the DVLA website.

  2. you send away for it with the certificate your examiner gives you

  3. My  examiner gave me a temporary certificate, and said my real licence will come in post in a few days.  if you have any worried just ask your examiner. he or she will tell you anyway.

    Good luck. i passed first time. but its taken me a year to get to drive a car. still a bit nervous but that goes with time. just don't let other car uses bully you.

  4. Your username is not particularly pleasent.

    The examiner will add up the number of faults, and tell you whether you have passed or failed, and why. You will also be given the score sheet if failed, or if passed, you wll be asked to sign a form, the examiner fills the rest in.

    A certificate will be presented to you, and you can drive unattended, they take your provissional off you and it is automaticly sent off to DVLA, then your pink photocard licence will arrive through the post. (via royal mail)

    There is also the option of sending it off yourself, but the examiners and most learners prefer to automatic method.

    Good luck in your test when you have it.


  5. you send off for it with all pass certificates/old provisional licence etc...

  6. after you pass the examiner gives you a certificate and asks if you would rather him/her send of your provisional liscence or if you would rather do it in my opininon its best to let the examiner do it as u recieve your liceense bak within 2 weeks and after passing you have 12 months to send of for your full liscence and once you pass sending off mail is the last thing on your mind lol all you want to do is get out on the road

    good luk and all the best

  7. Two things -

    (1) You are given a Pass certificate which you have to send to the DVLA  

    (2) You take the first step on the slippery slope to penury!

  8. If you have the old paper provisional licence (no photocard), send that away with your details to dvla, they will then send you your full licence.

    If you have recently (within the last 18months) got your provisional, the fee that you paid for also paid for your new full licence. The examiner will ask you if the address on your provisional is your current one, if the answer yes ( should be) then he will take that off you and send you out a new FULL licence in around 2 weeks.

    There is no need to keep your pass certificate in the car ( could get stolen) if you do get stopped by the police and they ask to see it, they will give you 7 days to produce it at your nearest police station.

  9. Ther examiner gives u ur pass certificate which u have to hld onto (in ur car etc) untill they send u ur license paper and card which the examiner sends off for

  10. you are sent to a concentration camp!!! =D

  11. Haha i like the answer about smoking and texting, that's what happens! I am a woman however and i can park perfectly. But then again, i'm substantially talented. Haha, but yeah, what happens after you pass your test? drive around. And only want to drive around, and want to drive...If however, you don't have a car, you stab a gear stick in your left thigh and drive your legs until you can afford a real car.

  12. you smoke and text on your mob while driving with other arm leaning out of open window and forget how to reverse and if a women forget how to park............

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