
What happens at a "Motion for Imposition of Sentencing"?

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My ex is in contempt of court and has been in the past for non-payment of child support. This time it has been over a year since he paid anything. He is in another state now. Will he be ordered to pay restitution? Will he be put on probation? Will he go to jail? He is still unemployed, living with mommy and daddy and his secretary (the one he had the affair with) (he is 45 years old). My guess is he won't go to jail with the overcrowded jail system we have.




  1. imposition of sentencing is the motion for the court to punish the wrongdoer. In this case because he hasn't been paying child support the judge can do one of many things. Depending on the judge any one of the scenarios you wrote could happen. Most likely though he will be ordered to pay the money and not recieve any jail time.  

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