
What happens at boot camp for Army Reserves?

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My friend just joined the Army Reserves and is excited but has lots of questions...none that I am able to answer lol

She would like to know what to expect at boot camp. As far as much time is alotted for hygiene....just anything you can think of. Is there any difference btwn the womens boot camp and they guys. We only need the info regarding womens boot camp. Thanks so much everyone!




  1. Check out this site, it should help you out w/ the ?'s your friend has and maybe helped by gathering info on USMC bootcamp etc.

  2. Women and men train together during the day and even sleep in the same barracks at night (just on different ends of the halls- at least we did in Fort Lost in the Woods, Misery.) The only real difference is that we have to put our girl stuff in one of our ammo pouches. You will have about 15-20 minutes for a shower and stuff like that. There is no special treatment for cramps and things like that though. If she gets a non stop period they will send her to the clinic to get on birth control but other then that she is treated just as a man would be. Well we don't get our legs inspected for hair like the guys get their faces!!

  3. Army, Army Reserve, and Army National Guard all have the same 5 places to go for Basic Training.

    Female Soldiers all go to either Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri or Fort Jackson, South Carolina.

    Female and male Soldiers train together during the day, but sleep in separate quarters.

    So - my answer to you is - everything you find out about Army Basic Training will apply to your friend.

    Talk to your recruiter, he should have videos, and may know someone who just finished basic she can talk to.

  4. A very easy experience playing at soldiers.  

  5. army basic is easy, tell her to expect a nice vacation

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