
What happens during a psychological evalution for a custody hearing?

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I am supposed to undergo a "psychological evaluation" due to a long drawn out custody battle/divorce. The court has deemed both parents extremely fit and now have to award custody so they ordered this evaluation. Has anyone else been through this? What can I expect?




  1. I personally have never been through this process...but have worked for the County as a Float (RN) in a Psychiatric Facility...the main thing that the Courts are looking for is your Stability and your Exes Stability, Emotionally and Psychologically as far as your Parenting is mostly a general topic discussion...nothing to worry about...don't get worked up about it, just be Sincere and Truthful..don't try to sell yourself as the "Perfect Parent" because there is No Such Thing...It is wonderful your children HAVE TWO Extremely Fit Parents...most kids don't even have ONE!!!~~Hang in there Mom...things are going to be okay~~Aloha and Blessings~~Michelle~~

  2. well, they do that to see if are an unfit parent. If they found you are unfit than you have to file visitation. If they think the that you may do any thing to harm the child than you will see your child under supervision

  3. i also had to take one of these. they asked me word association first, then ink blot's, and then they gave me a test with questions like " should a 6 year old be expected to get herself up and ready for school with no help?" and " under what circumstances is it okay to spank a child?" you know stuff like that i did really well on mine but, my baby's father didn't do so well because he said that spankings were okay and the state does not allow  that these days so, be truthful but also use common sense and good luck!    

  4. you are NOT crazy, you are a mother of 5 dealing with an *ss hole

  5. Yes,  I had, years ago . Its not a big deal at all, you just basically are sitting down talking to someone, they ask you questions, listen to you determine the relationsihp of you with your children. Its nothing at all to be concerned with, and is quite common. Basically, they want to make suer you're not "crazy"

  6. A representative from social services comes to your home, looks around, talks to you and assuming you are ok, makes their recommendation to the court as to who should have custody or in the case of joint custody,managerial custody.  If the child is old enough or even close enough to the age that he or she would have a say, there desires are given very much merit.

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