
What happens during an Ultrasound?

by  |  earlier

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I have a suspicious lump that they told me I need to get an ultrasound for. I hate doctors and getting examined and stuff. Do you have to be naked for this procedure? What happens? Thanks.




  1. I don't think you would have to be completely naked for the ultrasound for your b*****s but you would need to be topless so they can perform the ultrasound. It does not hurt at all. What they do is use a special device that is placed on your skin so the doctor can see inside. I have had 4 ultrasounds and I can say that is is pretty cool to see on the screen an area what is being examined. I wish you the best and hope it is nothing serious. Good luck,

  2. if its same as 1s for pregnancy they put this gel stuff on u with this ball thing with a monitor and run it over u and stuff comes up on the monitor. u dont need to be naked i don't think.. ask before u go

  3. Okay, I had an ultrasound last week of my stomach to look for lumps. I felt the same way you do.

    And myself i had to take off my shirt and bra and put a nightgown on. Then a nurse will take you into a room and close the curtain. Its pretty dark in them to. She might want you to take of the gown. No biggy thou because they are mostly girls, and if it is a guy you can always ask for a girl. Then they put this gel on you and rub it around with that little machine., might ask you to hold your breath for 10seconds. It probably wont take more then 20Min's. Good Luck, there isn't to much to worry about.  

  4. No you don't have to be naked only part that will be exposed is the affected area . The doctor is going to squeeze a cold gel on your stomach and use a devise that looks like a computer mouse over your stomach then you can see inside of you on a monitor screen  

  5. You'll have to be naked from the waist up.  They give you a little thing to wear that's open in the front, and they only open part that they are doing the ultrasound for, you won't be exposed to the world.  They'll run the little wand over the lump area and your axillary area (armpit)?  To see if they can determine if it's lymph nodes or cysts or cancerous.  Most of the time it's lymph nodes.  

    I am a medical transcriptionist and I type a lot of mammogram and breast ultrasounds reports.  It is rare to have someone come up with breast cancer. I know the media makes it sound like some big thing, but really it's not as common as they make it.    

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