
What happens if...(2 Questions)?

by Guest33995  |  earlier

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Two Questions:

1. What happens if i leave my PS3 on all day?

2. Similar to no.1 - What happens if i play GTA IV all day (not that i have, I'm just wondering)

Answers would be awesome.




  1. if you leave your ps3 on all day it might over heat and turn off. sometimes this can damage your ps3 and it might not turn on for awhile (it happend to mine). as for playing gta all day i think the same might happen

    hope this helps

  2. knowing playstation it will blow up.

  3. 1. Nothing if it is well ventilated

    2. If you play GTA IV all day you will become a mass murderer and start talking in a funny russian accent and hijack cars, sleep with prostitutes, have numerous girlfriends, drink and play darts a lot ect ect.

  4. 1: EXPLODE                   2: EXPLODE

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