
What happens if I don't complete my community service issued by the court?

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What happens if I don't complete my community service issued by the court?




  1. Enjoy your prison term.

  2. You will be cited for violating a judge's orders and you will pay the penalty your community service was supposed to spare you from, plus possible additional penalties. These might include payment of fines and jail time.

    A better question is why wouldn't you want to spend a little time making the world a better place than spending your time in jail? This may be your one opportunity to turn your life around. The path you are on does not lead to happiness.

  3. im not sure to be honest but most probably get sent to court again where the judge wouldnt be as lenient towards your prision sentence so it would be a good idea for you to complete your community service unless you want to go to prision?

  4. Paris..?? that you again??

  5. the pokey pardner

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