
What happens if I don't pay someone in eBay?

by  |  earlier

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I was trying to be something that I really needed and I had some problems paying AFTER clicking on buy it now. So I tried to buy it from somebody else and then I got my issue cleared with the first person I intended to buy from.

So now I want to buy from the first person. But what about the other one? I don't want to pay him because I'm already buying from the other guy. What would happen now? Can he charge me against my will?




  1. First of all you should contact the seller of the item you don't want to buy from and ask them if you can retract your bid. If they refuse to retract it and you don't pay the worst that will happen if it's your first time is that the seller can file a nonpaying bidder on you and eBay will email you to work it out with the seller. If you don't work it out to both of your satisfaction within an alloted time frame then your buyer account will get dinged 1 point for a nonpay. If you get 3, you'll be suspended or banned from ebay depending on the severity/cost of the item. They can't take funds out of your PayPal account if you don't authorize it and you won't be ruined.

  2. You made a legal offer to buy from the second guy, so yes, if you win that auction, you are obligated to pay.

    I suggest you take the item you win from the second guy and then try to sell it yourself to recoup some or all of your losses.

    If you simply refuse to pay for it, your standing on eBay will be ruined, you'll lose your account, and they may take the funds out of your Paypal account anyway.

    If the auction isn't over yet, you could try sending an e-mail to the second seller asking to withdraw your bid and see if he agrees. Some sellers will.


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