
What happens if I dont pay the remaining amount on cancelled/disconnected internet service.?

by  |  earlier

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I owe about 180 to Shaw cable, an internet service provider. I have been disconnected and plan to keep it that way. What would happen if I dont pay the remaining amount. I know that doing that with a cell phone can ruin credit, but I dont think the internet service is like that because I am not on a 3-year plan or locked in or anything and they dont take any personal information from you when you sign up. What will happen. Any serious knowledge would be apprectiated.




  1. you go to collections. pay your bills. you signed on the dotted line and made a commitment, now live up to it

  2. They'll track you down and harass you for what you owe them. They will also mess up your credit.

  3. They will turn you into collections and also the credit bureau/s and your credit score takes a hit. For you to think the internet provider is not like that, well that is ridiculous.

  4. If you owe, they can send you to collections. I'm sure they must have some information on you when you signed up. If they didn't, I guess you are lucky. But still, if they know who you are, they can take you to collections, which will hurt your credit.

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