
What happens if I fail the chemistry regents and pass the course?

by Guest45292  |  earlier

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i took it today and i dont think i did very well but i did good all year long, what will happen if i failed?

do i just retake the exam?




  1. retake the course or take it aagain in august.

    that ******* test was HARD! my teacher said its prolly the hardest shes ever seen it

  2. you have to retake the regents in august but u don't have to retake the if you passed.

    i agree, the test was really hard.

    the teachers said it was prolly the hardest one ever.

    grrrr....if i retake it in august i'll prolly fail again cuz i forgot the stuff??! but i hope it's easier than this one.

    they say the august ones r sometimes easier cuz it's for the ppl who failed the june one.

  3. I took the Chemistry Regents yesterday, and for me, a 98 student in Chemistry, it was difficult. I wouldn't be surprised if the state heard about it from many people. If you fail any Regents in June, you have to take a mandatory summer course and redo that test in August.

  4. yea this was reallly hard, i just took it today also.. umm if you want a regents diploma, then you have to retake it when ever you can. if you dont really care that much about the diploma then its not really required so you are fine. but have some hope, maybe you didnt FAIL!

  5. I got a 92 in chemistry but I have a feeling I failed the regents. Anyone know when the results come out?

  6. Omar I'm pretty sure you can know today or tomorrow. I asked my teacher what I got and I failed but passed the course. So I have to take a mandatory 2wk course in August and take the test again.

  7. omfg that thing was ridiculus. i studied alot for it and i know i def failed and i had a really good avg. u have to take it if u want a regents diploma but i know i am not doing any better in aug so whatever, s***w that

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